Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic


Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the Programme Operator organized the "Final Conference of the SK-Climate Programme"

15.10.2024 The Closing Conference dedicated to the “Climate change mitigation and adaptation”, also titled with the shortened name as “SK-Climate Programme” was held on October 10, 2024. The conference was officially opened by the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, Gabriela Matečná, who highlighted cooperation between the Slovak Republic and the Kingdom of Norway. During the opening block, representatives of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Vienna, the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Norwegian Directorate for Water Resources and Energy, together with the representative of the National Focal Point from the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic had their speeches.

Results of the 4th round of the Call for award of additional funding for contracted Projects under the SK-Climate Programme

14.05.2024 On 13th May 2024, the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, as the SK-Climate Programme Operator implemented within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 issued a Decision on the award of additional funding for additional funding request submitted under the 4th round of the Call for award of additional funding for contracted Projects under the SK-Climate programme.

Once upon a time there was a wetland

22.04.2024 Over the past 300 years, half of the wetlands in Europe have been destroyed. In response, a groundbreaking initiative in Slovakia supported by the Norway Grants is setting a global standard for conservation efforts, proving that it's possible to turn the tide on environmental degradation. Europe's wetlands are vanishing at an alarming rate. Globally, an area the size of India has disappeared so far. The reasons why this is happening vary, ranging from intensive agricultural expansion to urban development and infrastructure projects, as well as the effects of climate change – altered rainfall patterns and increased frequency of extreme weather events. Our wetlands, which are unique natural habitats, have been severely disrupted, leading to significant ecological degradation.

EHP and Norway Grants: Wetland rescuers in action!

02.02.2024 Did you know that up to 4.8 million EUR from Norwegian grants and the Slovak budget is dedicated for the restoration of wetland ecosystems. Today 2. February, just like every year, we commemorate the World Wetland Day again! The SK-Climate programme lends a hand to the restoration of these rare areas, which face climate challenges and are gradually losing their natural ability to fight against the negative effects of climate change.

State of play of the Call for award of additional funding

20.12.2023 On 15. December 2023, the 4th round of the Call for award of additional funding, financed from the EEA Grants and Norway grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic was closed within the Programme SK-Climate. Within the 4th Call for award of additional funding, one additional funding request in the total amount of 74 002 EUR from Norway grants was received.

Results of the 2nd and 3rd round of the Call for award of additional funding for contracted Projects under the SK-Climate Programme

06.11.2023 On 17th and 18th October 2023, the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, as the SK-Climate Programme Operator implemented within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 issued, under Decisions on the award of additional funding for additional funding requests submitted under the 2nd and 3rd round of the Call for award of additional funding for contracted Projects under the SK-Climate programme.

UPDATE - Call for award of additional funding to already contracted projects within the SK-Climate Programme - the 4th round has been extended!

30.10.2023 The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the SK-Climate Programme Operator issued Guidance no. 3 to the Call for award of additional funding to already contracted projects which extend the date of closure of the 4th round of the Call and update of available allocation of the Call.

Norwegian students in Slovakia – reciprocal bilateral activity within the SK-Climate Programme

24.10.2023 After the successful implementation of two study tours for selected Slovak elementary and secondary schools in Norway titled as "Norway Educlima Study Tour" in May of this year we had a reciprocal activity. The Operator of the Programme „Climate change mitigation and adaptation“(hereinafter also as “Programme SK-Climate“) in cooperation with the Donor Program Partners in October 18-20, 2023, organized a mutual bilateral study trip for Norwegian students in Slovakia.

Slovak municipalities on the study tour in Norway - "UrbanClima Study Tour”

03.10.2023 The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, as a Programme Operator of the “Climate change mitigation and adaptation“ Programme, with a close cooperation with the Donor Programme Partners from the contributing states, organized a bilateral activity for the municipalities called "UrbanClima Study Tour" for the sustainable development of the bilateral partnership. The main goal was to develop and maintain a sustainable bilateral partnership, to exchange experience and know-how in the field of mitigation and adaptation to the climate change, between Slovak cities and cities from Norway.

State of play of the Call for award of additional funding

21.09.2023 On 10 September 2023, the 3rd round of the Call for award of additional funding, financed from the EEA Grants and Norway grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic was closed within the Programme SK-Climate. Within the Call for award of additional funding, two additional funding requests in the total amount of 195 504 EUR were received (179 078 EUR from EEA Grants and 16 426 EUR from Norway grants).

Call for award of additional funding to already contracted projects within the SK-Climate Programme has been extended by the 4. round!

04.09.2023 The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the SK-Climate Programme Operator issued Guidance no. 2 to the Call for award of additional funding to already contracted projects which extend the date of closure by adding another round of the Call and update of available allocation of the Call.

Results of the 1st round of the Call for award of additional funding for contracted Projects under the SK-Climate Programme

14.08.2023 On 10th August 2023, the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, as the SK-Climate Programme Operator implemented within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 issued, under the for 1st round of the Call for award of additional funding for contracted Projects, Decision on the award of additional funding (Project grant).

Results of the selection process of the Call for Proposals No. 3 (ACC05) – update

07.08.2023 The Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic as the SK-Climate Programme Operator following the increase of Programme allocation in accordance with ADDENDUM NO 3 to the Programme Agreement issued on 24. July 2023 Decision on additional approval of the Project Application submitted by the Slovak Mining Museum, which was listed on the 3. position on the Reserve List.

State of play of the Call for award of additional funding

28.06.2023 On 10 June 2023, the 2nd round of the Call for award of additional funding, financed from the Norway Grants and the State Budget of the Slovak Republic was closed within the Programme SK-Climate. Within the Call for award of additional funding, 5 additional funding requests in the total amount of 508 139 EUR were received.
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