Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic


Global climate change, caused by constantly increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities, is one of the most important environmental problems in today's world. Increasing temperature leads to changes in different ecosystems, including adverse effects on human life.

EU member states have committed to reduce by 2020 greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent, renewable energy will constitute 20 percent of final energy consumption and 10 percent of consumption in transport and energy consumption is also reduced by 20 percent compared with the current forecast in 2007.

To achieve these objectives it is necessary to restrict the burning of fossil fuels, to avoid increasing deforestation, wisely cultivate the land, manage waste, conserve energy, collectively speaking - to behave responsibly on both the production and consumption side. We must invest in new technologies, renewable energy resources, build efficient homes, prefer modern clean industry, use organic vehicles. The transition to a low carbon economy is not only a great opportunity, but also a challenge to increase energy independence, create new jobs, as well as the development of science and research.

Increasing the share of renewable energy for electricity and heat in order to create appropriate additional funds needed to cover domestic demand is one of the main priorities of the Energy Policy. Renewable energy sources contribute to the strengthening and diversification of the structure of industry and agriculture, encouraging innovation and development of information technology, opening up space for new developments and are one of the pillars of building a knowledge economy. Rational management of indigenous renewable energy sources in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, making it one of the cornerstones of sound economic development of society (National Action Plan for Renewable Energy, 2010).